Today’s passage: Galatians 4:8-11
Helpful thoughts:
- Reminder: The Galatian church was in conflict on whether circumcision was required for salvation.
- Anything that we live for that isn’t God, is not a god. (Mind-blowing isn’t it?)
- The people had been redeemed from slavery and adopted as sons and daughters, but now (by requiring obedience to the law) acting like they preferred their slavery. They had graduated and wanted to go back to school.
- If those in Galatia had perpetually accepted the requirements of the law as the means of salvation, it would be evidence of their lack of faith in the first place, or at best, it would guarantee the death of their church. It wouldn’t necessarily mean people would stop participating, but the Gospel would no longer be preached. A big group of people being religious does not make a church.
Questions to consider:
- What are some things (Or, who are some people) that you may be allowing to rule your life instead of God? What would it look like to repent, follow and worship Him alone?
- Why do you think we forget that our former life was one of slavery? How do we forget that we are redeemed, adopted children and heirs of God? When does the grass start to look greener in the world’s yard?
- Who is the church? What does the church believe? How is it possible to go to church, to have “church”, to own a building with a sign that says, “church” and not be the church?
- Have you come to know God, or rather are you known by Him? Have you put your faith in the finished and sufficient work of Jesus Christ on the cross? Is Jesus you Lord and Savior?