Today’s passage: Galatians 6:1-5
Helpful thoughts:
- It is spiritual to seek to restore and to do so in a spirit of gentleness.
- “Caught” in this passage does not mean being caught in the act. It is referring to one who is caught up in sin.
- People who are caught up in sin need help getting back on their feet.
- Regularly finding fault in others without your own prayers of repentance can be a sign of immaturity and weakness.
- The law of Christ we obey when we bear one another’s burdens was already written for us in 5:14. It is a law of love. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- When we stand before Christ, we will be rewarded based on our own load. We will not be rewarded as if in a contest, being compared other people. The Christian life is not a contest.
Questions to consider:
- Why is it easy to think of our sin, righteousness, acts of kindness, etc. in comparison/contrast to other people? How can it be tempting to measure our spirituality in this way? What are some potential dangers in that system of measurement?
- Why is it hard for us to allow others to help us? What do we have to admit before we allow others to help us?
- What kind of walk and perspective enables you to help others most? (Think first of your relationship with God. Second, think of the one who could use your help. What do they need to know about you before they will welcome your help?)