Today’s passage: Genesis 19:23-38
Helpful thoughts:
- God did what He said He was going to do. God is true, righteous, and faithful.
- The angels had specifically warned Lot and his family about stopping and looking back. Lot’s wife (Like her daughter’s fiancés) didn’t take the warning seriously. Her heart had become fixated on what God declared worthy of judgment. Therefore, she was included in Sodom’s judgment.
- Lot pleaded with the angels not to go to the hills but to Zoar instead. He ended up in the hills.
- It’s hard to fathom exactly how Lot’s daughters came to the conclusion and they did and acted upon it. But, here were some of their influences:
- They grew up in and near Sodom.
- Their city and the region had just gone up in flames. They were in distress.
- They had been betrothed to marry Sodomites and both of those men had just died.
- Their mother loved Sodom more than the Lord.
- Their father had just fled to a cave in fear.
- The story of the conception of Moab and Ben-ammi is the fruit of all the compromises and decisions made before.
Questions to consider:
- In what way is God’s view of rebellion and sin put on display in this passage? In what way should this account produce in the reader a healthy fear of the righteous wrath of God? Why is it so wrong to be flippant about sin?
- Where must this fear of a holy and just God draw us? What is the solution to our great need (Romans 5:6-11)? How can this help us to understand better what Christ endured on the cross for our sins?
- In what ways can our sinful choices bear consequences far beyond our expectations and our control? In what ways can our right choices bear consequences far beyond our expectations and outside our control for good?