Today’s passage: Genesis 28:1-22
Helpful thoughts:
- In sending Jacob away, Isaac confirms the blessing of Abraham on him. Jacob was sent away with his father’s promise of inheriting the land he was leaving.
- Jacob obeyed Isaac’s instruction. When Esau saw this, he again acted impetuously.
- Before Jacob left the promised land, he not only received confirmation of the promise from his father Isaac but also from the Heavenly Father, the Lord.
- Jacob had been a schemer. He sought to ensure things would turn out in his favor. God made it clear to him who was sovereign over his life in verses 13-15.
Questions to consider:
- Didi Esau’s third marriage “fix” what he had done wrong in the first two marriages? Can we do enough good to erase our wrongs? What do our own efforts to cover our sin result in? To whom should we go and what does God do with our humble confession (Psalm 51:1-2, 1 John 1:9)?
- What is the significance of a “ladder” which provides passage from heaven to earth (and from earth to heaven? What is God communicating to us in providing this vision? What more do we learn from Jesus’ description of himself in John 1:51? Does God intend to be distant from his creation, his people? What (Who) is the way to God?
- How does God show His sovereignty in verses 13-15? What did Jacob need to do to bring these promises about? Was there anything Jacob needed to worry about? What could his chief focus have been? How can this encourage you to cast your cares on the Lord and trust Him with your life?