Today’s passage: Hebrews 10:11-18
Helpful thoughts:
- Verse 14 encapsulates the phrase that we use sometimes to describe our sanctification, “Already and not yet.”
- We are already declared perfect in Christ.
- We are progressively growing in this life to be more like Him.
- Both of these truths are purchased and secured through the one-time sacrifice of Jesus.
- The promise of the New Covenant found in Jeremiah 31 is quoted again in verses 16 and 17.
- God promised to make Christ’s enemies His “footstool” in Psalm 110:1.
- The idea of making His enemies His footstool means that God will bring all things under the authority of Christ the King. Christ will reign as King of kings. Every knee will bow.
- God requires no further sacrifices because Christ paid our debt in full!
Questions to consider:
- Why don’t we sacrifice spotless lambs anymore?
- Again in this passage, we are presented with two significant aspects of who Christ is: His loving sacrifice and His majestic authority. Why do we have every reason to praise, love, and obey our Savior and King?
- Some might argue that believing in our perfect standing in Christ would hurt our motivation to grow in righteousness in this life. Why isn’t that true? How does our perfect standing in Christ both motivate and guarantee our movement toward righteous living (1 John 3:2)?