Today’s passage: Hebrews 13:20-25
Helpful thoughts:
- In today’s verses, we read the conclusion of the epistle which includes a benediction (Verses 20-21) and closing greetings (Verses 22-25).
- The resurrection proves Jesus is exactly who He said He is.
- His identity is reiterated in the end of the benediction (“To whom be glory forever and ever.”).
- The final greetings remind us that this was a real letter written to real people in real time.
- Timothy had presumable just been released from prison.
- The writer had a desire to visit and follow-up on the content of this epistle in person. Having more to share and desiring to discuss and answer questions.
- These people knew each other, or desired to get to know each other, and shared a bond in Jesus Christ.
Questions to consider:
- What all is included in the benediction that would elicit worship and response from the reader? Who is Jesus and what has He accomplished based on these verses?
- What are some of the most significant things you remember learning from your study of the book of Hebrews?
- What applications from chapters 12 and 13 stuck out to you the most and why? How can you be changing and growing as a result of the truth you read in this epistle?