Today’s passage: Hebrews 4:14-16
Helpful thoughts:
- The High Priests in the Old Covenant would pass through into the Holy of Holies to offer the atoning sacrifices annually. Jesus passed through the heavens and offered His own blood as our atonement.
- The Old Covenant practice was a picture pointing to the real thing. Jesus is the real thing.
- Jesus endured temptation better than all of us…He never gave in! He never sinned!
- Kings are often unapproachable, especially if you are guilty of rebellion against them.
- Jesus has taken away our sin and provided access to the throne. We can pray with all confidence that our Lord has invited our requests.
Questions to consider:
- These verses build up to the exhortation to pray. How do all the truths combine to encourage us in this way?
- How does verse 16 help us to think rightly about prayer? What are we actually doing when we pray? Is it just a routine for us? Is it a tool to help us calm down or something like that (Meditation)? Or are we actually talking to someone of the highest authority who is listening and will respond?
- What does it mean to come “boldly” before the throne of grace? What is the basis of our boldness? What would give us reason for pause before kneeling before the king? What has been done to take away our hesitation?