Today’s passage: Hebrews 5:11-14
Helpful thoughts:
- The Hebrew readers are rebuked for being hard to teach in this first verse!
- The writer desires to explain how Christ fits into the priestly line of Melchizedek.
- The word translated as “dull” in verse 11 comes from a Greek idiom and it means, “Lazy as to one’s ears.” The word is translated as “sluggish” in 6:12.
- There is a skill that can be acquired in handling the Word of God through “constant practice.” And this constant practice, when pursued rightly with a heart to learn and grow will produce maturity in the faith.
Questions to consider:
- God promises to complete the sanctifying work He has started in us (Philippians 1:6), but what is required from us in order to grow in this life? What does it mean to be dull or sluggish in our hearing? What would repentance look like?
- With that being said, are time and life experiences the biggest difference makers for growth as a Christian? As valuable as those can be (When rightly understood through the lens of Scripture), what practice makes a Christian ready for solid food from the Word of God?
- Why is it hard so often to get started reading the Bible and yet so easy to watch a tv show or listen to the radio (Or other media)? How would you like to grow in your learning from Scripture?