Today’s passage: Hebrews 7:23-28
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus is a priest forever because He lives indestructibly (Verse 16). The Levites could not serve indefinitely, they were prevented by death (Verse 23).
- When we were saved, our salvation was (And will remain forever) a salvation “to the uttermost.”
- All our sin is paid for and forgiven…
- …for all time.
- Verses 26-28 serve as the summary statement as to why Jesus is the superior priest.
Questions to consider:
- Who is saved to the uttermost (Verse 25)? How does this verse reinforce the idea of salvation not by works, but by grace through faith in Jesus?
- What reasons can you find in this summary as to why Jesus is the superior priest? What has Jesus done? What is Jesus doing? What will Jesus do forever?