Today’s passage: Hebrews 9:23-28
Helpful thoughts:
- The copies of the heavenly things were purified by “copies”. The real purification needed to take place with a better sacrifice.
- Jesus is the superior High Priest.
- Jesus brings the superior Covenant.
- Jesus is the superior sacrifice.
- Jesus does NOT make sacrifices repeatedly. His blood is NOT continually poured out. His one-time sacrifice was a once-and-for-all sacrifice! When His blood was shed, the offering for atonement was given, it was finished forever.
- All who have been called will be fully and finally saved at Christ’s return. We have reason for eternal hope! Christ is coming!
Questions to consider:
- Are there any second chances after death? What does God’s Word say in verse 27? When is the time to repent and put your faith in Jesus?
- If a person is hoping in his/her own efforts to make it in the end, what are they missing? On what basis should anyone look forward to Christ’s return? What did Christ have to do for us to make us fit for the glorious presence of God in that day?
- What does it mean to “eagerly wait” for Christ? What are you looking forward to experiencing in that day? How does THAT day change how you live THIS day?