Today’s passage: Hosea 12:2-14
Helpful thoughts:
- God compares the life of the nation with the life of Jacob. (Genesis 25:24-26, Genesis 28:10-22, Genesis 29:1-30, Genesis 32:22-30)
- A contrast is given though in how Jacob “prevailed” in his wrestling, and yet asked for God’s favor/blessing, and then how Ephraim (Israel the Northern Kingdom) has “prevailed” through deceit (False balances) and believes it has blessed itself and gotten away with it.
- Sin makes everything messy and confusing (Like this chapter?). When God is held in His rightful place in our hearts, life makes sense.
Questions to consider:
- Why did Jacob “prevail” in that wrestling match? Who was behind Jacob’s blessing, in spite of Jacob’s supplanting tactics?
- What was the difference between Jacob’s “success” and Ephraim’s “success”? What was behind Ephraim’s “success” and what were the consequences?
- In what way has God said to Israel in this chapter, “Who do you think you are?” and “Who do you think I am?” How should we define “success” and how should we view our lives in light of who God is and what He has done?