Today’s passage: James 2:1-7
Helpful thoughts:
- Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, received some criticism for reaching out to and spending time with some very “undesirable” people.
- The language and the illustration used in this passage implies that the decision to accept one person over the other happens instantaneously and is based purely on a person’s appearance, the first impression.
- People become heirs of the kingdom by God’s gracious choice. Every child of God has his or her inheritance by the grace of God.
Questions to consider:
- Why was it so ludicrous to rebuke Jesus for talking to “sinners” and Gentiles? How far had Jesus condescended to speak to any of us? What did Christ give up (In all His glory!) to take on flesh, to live, to endure temptation, to endure persecution, to die, etc.?
- If our actions in being a respecter of persons happens quickly, at a first impression, then what is our means of valuing people? Who are we hoping will benefit the most from the relationship? And, what kind of benefit will that even bring?
- Where does your value come from? Who gave you your worth? What is your purpose? How will these truths help you to show unconditional Christ-like love to others today?