Today’s passage: Jeremiah 14:1-22
Helpful thoughts:
- Verses 1-6 give a description of drought in Judah. 7-9 is the prayer to request rain. 10-18 explains God’s response. And then 19-22 is an appeal from the people.
- The people of Judah were being taught by prophets who were not accurately conveying the Word of God. They were false prophets.
- One of the results of unbiblical teaching is a people who continue in sin while participating in religious activity, and expect God’s continued blessing.
- In their desperation, the people of Judah acknowledge that God is truly the only one who can bring rain and heal their land.
- God will respond toward this apparent repentance in the next chapter.
Questions to consider:
- How can a group of people know they are being taught false doctrine? With the access we have today to God’s written word, how many people in the church should be well aware of it’s contents?
- Are there any examples in our culture today of people who consider themselves religious, Christian, but who are not following Christ and still expecting “blessing?”
- What seems really good about these words of repentance in verses 19-22? What aspect of this request might you be leery of? What would continued fruits of repentance look like?