Today’s passage: Jeremiah 17:1-27
Helpful thoughts:
- This sins of Judah were written in a permanent fashion. Man cannot erase his own sin. God, in His grace, writes His words on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33).
- Verses 5-8 are much like Psalm 1:1-3.
- Verse 9 gives reason for the truth of verses 5-8.
- The “heart” is the inner man. Our minds, desires, emotions are all part of what the Bible calls, the heart.
- Verses 19-27 are a continuation of Jeremiah’s special ministry, preaching to a people who will refuse to listen and bring judgment on themselves.
Questions to consider:
- In what way was the contrast of verses 5-8 expressed in ancient Israel and Judah, even when they worshiped false gods? In what ways do we see these verses on display today? How does man trust in man in our day and culture? Has that trust crept into the thinking of the church in any way?
- How does verse 9 inform the common encouragement to “Follow your heart?” What must happen in our hearts before we would be led in the right direction? To whom must our hearts be submitted? How must our thinking be transformed? Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:21-24)
- How can verse 14 help us with assurance of our salvation? Upon whose abilities do we base our salvation? If God saves you, then what are you and what will you become? (Philippians 1:6)