Today’s passage: Jeremiah 51:1-64
Helpful thoughts:
- The LORD of hosts is the name of God which refers to the vast power of God and his angel armies. Our God has never and will never know defeat.
- The “mighty” Babylon…knew defeat. And they knew it “suddenly.”
- A contrast is given between the gods of Babylon and the one true God. There is no contest!
- The gods of our day and culture are not metal statues. They are us. People worship themselves…and there is still no contest.
- This prophecy was read in Babylon, to the Jewish and Babylonian people. This was not prophecy in hiding for us to find out about later. God called His next moves to the very people He was about to defeat, and then did it.
Questions to consider:
- Was Israel amazing and therefore held onto God? OR, is God the Lord of Hosts, and whoever clings to Him will see victory? Who is our salvation?
- Why is it only right for the Lord to swear by Himself (Verse 14)? What else could He swear by? When He does swear by Himself, which attributes can you think of that make His promise absolutely sure?
- What promises has God given to us that we can rejoice in today? What promises has he made for the future that we look forward to in eager hope?