Today’s passage: Job 26
Helpful thoughts:
- Job answers Bildad’s final argument.
- This monologue will continue through the end of chapter 31.
- There is sarcasm in his first words in verses 2 and 3. In verse 4, Job calls into question on whose behalf his friends are actually speaking. They would have assumed they were on God’s side…Job begs to differ.
- Verses 5-14 serve to remind Job’s friends just how much knowledge, power and sovereignty God has, and how little man knows of all that God knows and does. For them to think they have full knowledge of the source of Job’s suffering is prideful and foolish.
- Rahab (Verse 12) is another lesser used name for Egypt.
Questions to consider:
- If Job’s friends were feeling confident about all they had said, how would they have responded to him or what would they have been thinking in this moment? How might we catch ourselves in these times of self-assurance so that we are able to truly hear the hearts of people in their suffering?
- What aspects of the greatness of God stuck out to you as you read? What is Job’s view of God as expressed in these verses? Is He seeking to make little of God to seek comfort or is he trembling before His greatness?
- In what way is Job “stuck between a rock and a hard place?” Who does he know has allowed his suffering? What is he trying to convince his friends is not the cause of his suffering? How does simply looking to God and looking to Jesus help us in the midst of hardship when we do not know the answers to WHY the hardships have come?