Today’s passage: Job 31
Helpful thoughts:
- This chapter will conclude Job’s appeal.
- Job recounts several areas of his life and service which could be inspected.
- Before God and man, he believes he has lived wisely and righteously.
- He desires to give an account of all his steps (His actions in life) to the Lord.
Questions to consider:
- If everything Job says about himself is true in this chapter, what kind of a man was he? How did he perceive possessions/wealth? How did he view other people (Even if they were poor or strangers)? What motivated him to live righteously?
- To whom had he understood he would be giving an answer for how he lived? How are his words now revealing a countenance that expects the opposite? Who needs to answer to Job now?
- If Job did everything he speaks of in this chapter flawlessly, what do you think is his downfall? What is true of all of us and necessary to understand if we are going to ask for grace (1 John 1:8-10)?