Today’s passage: Job 35
Helpful thoughts:
- Elihu rebukes Job for presuming he (A man of God’s creation) should think God must hear and answer him.
- The picture Elihu paints in this chapter is of a big God who made all things by His power, and a people who would be nothing without God treating Him as if He worked for them. Elihu believes Job has taken on this mindset in wanting an audience with God for his defense.
- Because Elihu believes Job’s cry to God is only for the purpose of self-exoneration (A complaint and charge of injustice against God), he is calling Job’s plea “empty.”
Questions to consider:
- Elihu likely believed he was defending God with his words. Was he? In what way did God need to be defended? Did He need defending at all?
- Were Job’s cries for exoneration “empty?” When these men learn the purpose behind Job’s suffering, what answers are they going to get? Who will they be learning about?
- In what ways was Elihu calling for humility from Job? In what ways would humility have corrected Elihu’s rebuke?