Today’s passage: Job 39
Helpful thoughts:
- In today’s chapter, we read the rest of God’s opening statement to Job.
- God is the one who made and oversees all of His creation. Man simply lives in and enjoys all that God made.
- We observe the wonders that God discussed in this passage. God decided they should all be the way they are. He intricately and purposefully designed them and watches over their every move in providence.
Questions to consider:
- What are some of the most striking examples in this chapter of God’s creative power, intelligence and care?
- What is this observance of creation and God’s design and governing of it supposed to elicit in our minds (Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:18-20)? When we see creation, are we to think less about God and question Him, or are we supposed to think highly of Him and seek to submit to His Lordship? What instruction is God giving to Job through this lesson?
- How does knowing that God created us for a purpose change our thinking about our own lives? What happens when we start to think that God exists to make our lives meet our own expectations? How do our questions toward Him change when we remember who He is and whose we are?