Today’s passage: John 10:31-42
Helpful thoughts:
- In verse 24, the Jews asked Jesus to tell them plainly if He was the Christ. In verse 30, Jesus plainly told the Jews that He was one with the Father (Claiming deity). In verse 31, the Jews picked up stones to execute Jesus.
- The “crime” Jesus would have committed, in their minds, was blasphemy. Making Himself equal with God.
- Of course, Jesus committed no crime. He is God the Son.
- Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6. In Psalm 82, rulers who were supposed to lead and govern justly (In a god-like representative manner) failed to do so and therefore awaited their own judgment. Gentile rulers wanted to be seen as gods yet governed in ungodly ways.
- Jesus had no injustice in Him or in His actions. He did everything correctly. He is the true “Son of the Most High” and a perfect representation of the Father.
- Once Jesus returned to the region where John the Baptist had ministered most, the people who had sat under John’s teaching could see everything that had been promised.
- Take note: John the Baptist did no signs, no miracles. He simply pointed people to the Messiah. Jesus said no prophet who had come before him was greater (Matthew 11:11).
- With the completion of the Word of God, you have more information than John the Baptist did about who the Messiah is and what He accomplished (“The one who is least in the kingdom is greater than he.”). Your testimony and clear explanation of Jesus and the Gospel is far more significant than any sign and wonder.
- Take note: John the Baptist did no signs, no miracles. He simply pointed people to the Messiah. Jesus said no prophet who had come before him was greater (Matthew 11:11).
Questions to consider:
- What is the irony of the crime Jesus was accused of committing? What did the Jews think Jesus did wrong? Who then was actually doing wrong? How is this still true today? What must people believe about Jesus?
- How did Jesus’ words and actions support His claim to deity? What things can you think of which Jesus did that were completely congruent to the attributes of God?
- Why did these followers of John the Baptist believe in Jesus? Was it because the signs were great (Flashy presentation) or because the words were true? How can this encourage you to share with others today?