Today’s passage: John 11:1-16
Helpful thoughts:
- Lazarus got sick and died physically, for a short while, “so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
- Mary and Martha and other loved ones went through the experience of seeing Lazarus grow sick and die in order to experience the power of God over death, to see it on display.
- All of this occurred so that “you may believe.” (Verse 15)
- In application, what Jesus was saying to the disciples in verses 9-10 was this; God is in your presence. Just listen, do what I say, and it will go much better for you.
- Thomas assumed returning to Judea would result in their death. But he went anyway. He may have misunderstood and doubted Jesus at times. But, by God’s grace, he followed Jesus.
- This trip to Judea was the beginning of events which led up to Jesus crucifixion. The end result of this trip wouldn’t be Thomas’ death, but the purchase of his eternal life.
Questions to consider:
- Why were the disciples confused about what was happening with Lazarus? Why do you think there were times when Jesus spoke plainly to His disciples and other times when He didn’t? Was Jesus confusing His disciples for fun or was there a greater purpose? How did Christ’s words (Which seemed confusing in the moment) end up making things clearer in the end?
- What can we learn from the simple exhortation from Christ in verses 9-10? How does acknowledging Christ for who He is simplify all other matters in life, keeping us from stumbling?
- Whether he knew it or not, Lazarus was dying, rising from the dead, and eventually would die again to the glory of God. How can this purpose for our existence (Romans 11:36) and hope in the promises of God help us to endure through difficulties in this life?