Today’s passage: John 11:28-44
Helpful thoughts:
- It was encouraging to read Mary’s response when she heard Jesus was there. She rose quickly and went to Him. It is such a privilege to spend time with Jesus. He is worthy of our eagerness and fervent pursuit.
- Jesus hurt when He saw these people hurting.
- God loves His people, more deeply than we could understand.
- God hates sin and its consequences. Death is a grievous thing. It’s good and right to grieve death.
- Jesus knew what He was about to do. Both on this day and in the days to come. God’s love and justice resulted in the greatest suffering of all time. Jesus being our suffering servant (Isaiah 53).
- At the command of Jesus, the dead are raised!
Questions to consider:
- When we read of Jesus’ grief, what do we learn about the heart of God? What can we also learn about the gravity and utter wickedness of sin? How can the answer to these two questions give us fuel and right motivation to fight against sin and chase after righteousness in our lives?
- What did those people who thought Jesus was “too late” learn about this special man from Nazareth on that day? What is the reader to learn about the power of God and the identity of Jesus?
- In what way could we compare verses 43-44 with 10:2-4? In what ways does Christ call the dead to life (Both spiritually –Ephesians 2:1-5– and then physically –1 Corinthians 15:51-57-)?