Today’s passage: John 12:27-36
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus knew he was about to pay the penalty for our sin. The weight of what was coming troubled him, but he wanted God’s glory more than to avoid the suffering.
- When Jesus was crucified (Lifted up) Satan was defeated and the salvation of God’s people from every tribe, tongue and nation (All people) was guaranteed.
- Every person has two choices with their own outcomes.
- Reject Christ – Walk in darkness – Be overtaken by the darkness (Verse 35)
- Believe in Christ – Walk in the light – Become children of the light, of God (Verse 36)
Questions to consider:
- When those near Jesus heard the voice of God, what did they think it was? What do the lost do with the truth of God’s Word? How does this help us understand better the phrase, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear?”
- How is the ability to hear (Spiritually) connected to the ability to see (Spiritually) in this passage? What does it mean to believe in the light? How did Jesus come to give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf (Luke 4:16-21)?
- What is the answer to the question from the people in verse 34? (Acts 2:22-36 – Notice the Old Testament quotes!)