Today’s passage: John 1:35-42
Helpful thoughts:
- These two disciples of John heard their teacher again the second day in a row and then did the right logical thing. They followed John’s teaching by beginning to follow Jesus.
- The two disciples were Andrew and probably John (The writer of this gospel). John did not like to mention himself by name in his own gospel account.
- Andrew proved to be a good disciple of John the Baptist. When he found the Messiah, he started bringing other people to meet Him.
- Immediately upon meeting God the Son, Simon gets a new name. God gave new names to others in the Old Testament to communicate their calling and purpose.
- Simon is called Cephas (Aramaic) and Peter (Greek). Both words mean, “Rock.”
Questions to consider:
- How might John the Baptist have been tempted to feel after he “lost” two of his disciples that day? Why was the “loss” not a loss at all but instead a big win? What is our mission as a church? For whom are we seeking followers?
- What is the natural thing for Christians to do when they understand what they have in Jesus Christ? What will our gratitude, love and changed life result in with our relationships with the lost? What will they know and be confronted with before too long?
- How do you think Peter felt after getting renamed right away after meeting Jesus? How might that have been a little awkward (if it was just some other regular man)? How might it have been life changing (because it was the Son of God!)?