Today’s passage: John 14:1-7
Helpful thoughts:
- In the moment, the disciples were troubled because their Lord was about to leave them and they did not understand why. From our perspective, this passage becomes one of great comfort.
- Jesus is in Heaven, preparing a place for us. A place where we can be with Him. And He is coming again to take us there.
- This hope and comfort can only be claimed by those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only way to eternal life. He is the only way to the only one true God.
Questions to consider:
- What is the greatest part of being in Heaven (End of verse 3)? What are some things you look forward to in Heaven? Why will being with Jesus be better than anything else we imagine?
- How do the words, “way,” “truth,” and “life” convey the exclusivity of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is there a different way to go that will result in eternal life with God? Is there a different, alternate truth that is as valid and accurate as the truth? Is there another life than can be lived outside of the life that God grants to His people?
- What must people in this world know and believe to have eternal life? What will any other belief system result in? (John 3:18, Revelation 20:11-15) Let’s tell them!