Today’s passage: John 17:20-26
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus didn’t just pray for his disciples in “The High Priestly Prayer.” He also prayed for you and me.
- Church unity is incredibly important.
- Our unity glorifies Jesus Christ.
- Our unity points others to salvation in Christ.
- When Jesus prayed for us to see His glory, He wasn’t being selfish or eager to brag. He wants to give to us the very best thing He can give, Himself.
- There is no greater gift than to be in the glorious presence of God. Jesus wants that for us!
Questions to consider:
- In what ways does it encourage you to know that Jesus prayed for you, for us? How does this further evidence His love for His people?
- What truths (And what person) is the church to be united around? What kinds of things/desires disrupt unity? How can you be used by God to further unite the church?
- What did Jesus see as the great outcome of our unity? How should this help us to consider what emphasis we should be giving to evangelism?