Today’s passage: John 18:12-18
Helpful thoughts:
- Annas had previously served as the high priest. His sons and son-in-law (Caiaphas) served after him. It appears Annas continued to hold religious and political power even after his time as high priest had ended.
- Peter and John went to the courtyard where Jesus was being tried. Peter is asked if he is also one of Jesus’ disciples, implying she already knows that John is. In John’s presence, with another professing disciple by his side, Peter denies following Christ.
- We don’t get to hear the tone of this woman’s voice when she asked this question. It may have been out of concern. It may have been sarcastic and demeaning. All we know is that Peter did what Jesus said he would.
Questions to consider:
- What makes Peter’s denial seem so troubling? Why did he have reason to stand up for his faith?
- What makes Peter’s denial so understandable? What was his teacher up against? What was Peter fearful of?
- Should we look down on Peter? Should we sympathize with him? In what ways might we struggle to identify with Christ in our own lives? How was Peter’s and all Christians’ sin forgiven?