Today’s passage: John 19:16-27
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus began the walk to Golgotha (“Calvary” is from the Latin translation) carrying His own cross. The suffering He had already endured made it impossible to complete the journey (Matthew 27:32).
- Jesus was crucified outside of the city by Jewish standards. Sin was to be punished “outside the camp.” (Numbers 15:35-36, Hebrews 13:12)
- Pilate had “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” written in three languages for a reason. This inscription would have held different connotations depending on where you were from.
- Even while on the cross Jesus looked after others, ensuring his mother would be cared for by the Apostle John after His death.
Questions to consider:
- Why do you think the chief priests wanted the inscription altered? Who looked like the victor and who looked like the defeated based on what Pilate had written? Who did the Jewish leaders want to receive the glory for this “victory?”
- Did the Roman soldiers who divided Jesus’ garments have any idea they were fulfilling Psalm 22:18? How was God’s sovereignty evidenced in their actions?
- How did their actions continue to prove that Jesus really is the Messiah, our Lord and Savior? What is the right response for the reader and seeing all of God’s promises and prophecies being fulfilled? What are we to do with our knowledge of who Jesus is?