Today’s passage: John 21:1-14
Helpful thoughts:
- While the disciples waited for what was next, they went back to what they knew, fishing in the Sea of Galilee.
- Over the years, people have tried to suggest significant symbolism in the number of fish that were caught (153). Most likely, John simply gave an accurate detail of the number to show there was a miracle even in the net not breaking due to the huge load. Jesus gave them a miraculous catch, just as he had at the beginning of their journey with Him (Luke 5:1-11).
- John and Peter follow their pattern. John sees and understands. Peter hears and runs (or swims) ahead.
- These responses are unique to each man’s personality. But both are full of faith.
Questions to consider:
- What would be the significance of Jesus making a third appearance to this disciples? Why would John want us to know there were multiple visits and interactions?
- How did Jesus’ miracle communicate to the disciples who He was without having to say another word? In what way could this aspect of their relationship with the Lord been a joy to the disciples? How might we enjoy getting to know the Lord better in this life and in eternity, knowing that He is a real person, that we can have a relationship with Him?
- How might you have hurried to see Jesus (Not everyone can swim a hundred yards in open sea)? Why is Jesus worthy of our efforts and eagerness to be with Him?