Today’s passage: John 5:30-47
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus didn’t need to be convinced of who He is. But, He was willing to compile a list of witnesses for the sake of those who would and will believe!
- The Jewish leaders were proud of their knowledge of the Scriptures but they didn’t believe what the Scriptures teach.
- Luke 24:27 – “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
- Verses 41-44 get to the heart of the issue. These leaders were more interested in the glory they could receive from other men over the superior glory of God. They were in a popularity contest with God Himself.
Questions to consider:
- What witnesses does Jesus give which reveal His identity? How do these witnesses and actions evidence who He truly is?
- What warning do we receive concerning our study of the Bible in these verses? Is it enough to simply know the Scriptures? Does a perfect memory and years of study directly result in spiritual life and growth? What must the Scriptures do in our hearts?
- Of whom did Moses speak in Deuteronomy 18:15? What does a person have/gain when they believe in the promised Messiah?