Today’s passage: Jonah 4:1-11
Helpful thoughts:
- Now we know why Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh. He did not want them to repent and receive God’s mercy.
- Jonah is exceedingly glad when God gives him shade, and asks God to kill him twice when he is not getting what he wants.
- Jonah thinks he has God figured out, and Nineveh can’t tell their right hand from their left.
Questions to consider:
- I think God counted the cattle in with the people of Nineveh to make a point. At the end of this book, who has given more signs of repentance, the cattle in sackcloth, ashes and who are fasting, or Jonah who is angry with God and wants to die rather than see other people repent and receive God’s mercy? (This question is meant to be ridiculous…)
- How did Jonah’s view of and expectation of God make him respond in this way?
- How did Jonah’s view of himself make him respond in this way?