Today’s passage: Joshua 1:1-9
Helpful thoughts:
- It would be good to read Deuteronomy 34 to get familiar with where we are now in the history of Israel and in the overall narrative of the Old Testament.
- God has now given Joshua the responsibility to lead Israel.
- He was to lead courageously.
- His strength and courage would certainly have come from His faith in God.
- His methods were to line up with God’s commands as given (No “alternate” interpretations).
- In order to ensure that Joshua remained prepared to lead Israel well, God commanded him to consistently and continuously study the Word.
Questions to consider:
- Did God promise Joshua that if he did everything right, nothing bad would ever happen to him or Israel? Why was Joshua going to need strength and courage from his faith in God?
- What was to be the fruit of Joshua’s study of Scriptures? How would Joshua’s study of Scripture result in success? How can you and I apply this principle today? In what way does our study of Scripture bring success today?
- Compare and contrast Romans 8:31-39 and Joshua 1:9. How can you be encouraged by God’s Word, God’s presence and Gods’ everlasting love throughout this day?