Today’s passage: Joshua 2:1-24
Helpful thoughts:
- Rahab’s “profession” and the placement of her house would have made for a good place for spies to gather information under cover and then depart.
- The spies must not have been stealthy enough, they were discovered quickly!
- There is nothing in the text that indicates any sinful activity between Rahab and the spies. (Obedience to the Lord was critical to their success!)
- It was wrong for Rahab to lie. It was right for Rahab to help the spies.
- Rahab believed and the God of the Israelites became her God as well. (Hebrews 11:31, James 2:25)
- She was the mother of Boaz and therefore the great-great-grandmother of King David.
Questions to consider:
- How could Rahab’s past and even her present (Lying to the King’s men) be an encouragement to everyone in the Gospel? Why was Rahab saved? What was the basis of her righteousness? How was her conversion evidenced?
- How might the example of Rahab’s acceptance as an Israelite by faith have encouraged her son, Boaz to welcome another foreigner, Ruth (Who had proclaimed, “Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” – Ruth 1:16) to be his wife?
- In what way did the spies express their faith in God’s promise upon their return to Joshua?