Today’s passage: Judges 17:1-13
Helpful thoughts:
- “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
- Micah returned the huge amount of money he had stolen from his own mother to avoid a curse.
- When she realizes it was her son, she tried to invoke blessing to undo the curse.
- She tried to buy the blessing from the Lord by giving 200 pieces of the silver to make… an idol!
- Micah made more idols and got himself a couple of priests (One of his own sons and a Levite!) for his new version of religion which was going under the name of Yahweh worship.
- “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Questions to consider:
- How many wrong practices/ideas can you find in this narrative?
- What had to be true of Micah and his family’s knowledge of the Word, their knowledge about Yahweh Himself, and their view of religion in general that would have allowed them to think they could just invent all of these features of Yahweh worship?
- In what ways might we (Christians) mimic these characteristics of self-styled worship today?