Today’s passage: Judges 2:6-15
Helpful thoughts:
- Verses 6-10 go back in time a bit to show how in just one generation, Israel “did not know the Lord.”
- Israel worshiped the very gods (Fake mythological gods) of the very people they had just defeated, abandoning the God that brought them there. This is the heart of man.
- We are worshipers. If we do not worship the Lord, we will worship someone/something else.
- Matthew 12:30 – “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”
Questions to consider:
- How many generations did it take for Israel to move from worship of the Lord to these local fake gods?
- Why do you worship the Lord? Do you worship Him alone?
- Is it possible to be neutral? Why or why not? Who gets to decide that? How can you “gather” with Jesus Christ today?