Today’s passage: Judges 3:7-11
Helpful thoughts:
- This is the beginning of the downward spiral of Israel’s history through the period of the judges.
- Cushan-Rishathaim’s name means, “Cushan the doubly wicked one.”
- In many Old Testament passages, when the “Spirit of the Lord” or the “hand of the Lord” comes upon or prevails over a person, it does not automatically apply to an increase in that person’s godliness. It is simply a way to say that God the Spirit accomplished His will through that person at a specific time for a specific purpose.
- Not much “bad” happened for forty years, until Othniel died.
Questions to consider:
- What parts of the pattern from 2:16-19 can you see in this episode? What do you see coming after the death of Othniel?
- Did God use a righteous king to discipline Israel? If God could only use righteous people to test and discipline, who could He use?
- When “bad” things are happening in our lives, is it ever angry punishment or negligence from God? In times when we would be tempted to be angry with God, what should we step back and think about? What might God be doing for our good?