Today’s passage: Judges 6:36-40
Helpful thoughts:
- With all the troops gathered under his command, Gideon again battles with his fear. He develops a test (or two) to make sure God is truly committed.
- Gideon requested God to ensure that He would save Israel by Gideon’s hand, “As You have said.”
- Gideon wasn’t unsure of the promise. He knew exactly what God had said. Gideon was unsure of God.
- The Midianites had set up camp on Israel’s side of the Jordan. They were coming whether Gideon was on board or not.
Questions to consider:
- What did Gideon know about his requests for signs? What does his request for God’s patience reveal?
- If Gideon continued to ask for more signs, even while knowing he may anger God, what do you think he really wanted?
- What did God do even though Gideon was being difficult? Who alone was able to ensure victory? Whose will could never be thwarted?