Today’s passage: Luke 11:27-36
Helpful thoughts:
- Signs are just signs. The greater power is in the message, the truth presented. Love the Word of God!
- Jonah being vomited onto land by a big fish isn’t the best part of the narrative. Jonah speaking the command of the Lord to pagan Gentiles is the amazing part!
- Solomon’s wealth and fame are not the best part of his life story. A powerful woman coming from a foreign land to hear about God is the best part!
- Christ, the light of the world, was speaking right in front of this crowd, but their spiritual “eyes” wouldn’t let the light in. Therefore what they thought was light in them, was actually darkness.
- It is possible to believe yourself to be full of light, and to instead be full of darkness.
- When the light is truly in you, you will shine.
Questions to consider:
- Why did Mary live a blessed life? Why is she in Heaven today?
- If a person considers themselves more spiritual because they claim to see and believe God is doing signs, miracles and wonders today because of their great faith yet they don’t rightly divide the Word of God, and they are even unrepentant, what is happening there? Who is orchestrating that kind of “spirituality”? Should we be impressed or cautious and concerned? Is that person gathering or scattering (Verse 23)?
- How does the light of Christ get into us (Through our “lamps”)? What needs to happen in us to make the Word of God become delightful and appealing?