Today’s passage: Luke 17:11-19
Helpful thoughts:
- These leprous men (Now formerly leprous) were required by law to show themselves to the priests who acted as the local health officials. The process for declaring them clean would last eight days. These priests were about to get an eight day testimony to the deity of Christ as He approached Jerusalem for the last time in His earthly ministry.
- Nine of the ten men were overwhelmed at the prospect of returning to a normal life. One man was overwhelmed by the prospect of being in the presence of Almighty God. He bowed down humbly, with thanksgiving, in worship.
- All ten men were healed, so Jesus’ statement in verse 19 had nothing to do with leprosy. This Samaritan man had been made well eternally that day. He had put his faith in Jesus, and received eternal life.
Questions to consider:
- When the nine Jewish men were declared clean, they would also be seen as too good for the Samaritan man. What is the irony of his ethnicity? Of the ten men, who was truly the child of God?
- When Jesus asked, “Where are the nine?” what was He implying? How many of the men should have come back and worshiped Him?
- What was the best thing that happened to that Samaritan man that day? Was it truly a good day for the nine Jewish men considering what they had missed? What things matter the most in our lives today?