Today’s passage: Luke 18:15-30
Helpful thoughts:
- Having faith like a child doesn’t mean you are innocent and ignorant. It means you realize you are helpless and hopeless without the intervention and leadership of someone who you trust to care for you.
- The rich young ruler did not come to Jesus like a child. He came like a business man ready to make a contract.
- Furthermore, his valuation of his righteousness was wrong. “No one is good except God alone.”
- A person who needs saving cannot save themselves. That is impossible. There is only one who has the authority and the righteousness to save us.
Questions to consider:
- What does it mean to be “saved”? What does the word “saved” imply? Who is hopeless and in need of rescue lest they perish? Who is the rescuer?
- What happens to my level of appreciation (Thanksgiving) of God the more highly I think of myself? What happens to the level of hope I have in the life to come the more highly I value the treasures of this world?
- Did the apostles leave their homes in order to earn salvation or did the apostles leave their homes because they had been saved and therefore had a new value system? (Matthew 16:15-17)