Today’s passage: Luke 2:1-7
Helpful thoughts:
- Merry Christmas!
- God sovereignly used the most powerful man in the world (And all those who were employed to carry out this decree) to fulfill His perfect plan. (Micah 5:2, Proverbs 21:1)
- The God who spoke the universe into existence, was now a baby boy laying in an animal’s feeding trough. (Colossians 1:16, Philippians 2:1-11)
Questions to consider:
- What would we have assumed the birth of the Messiah should look like? How was this different? In what ways would this birth story seem mundane or even sad/disappointing?
- How would you feel if you had become responsible to raise God the Son? To teach Him to walk, talk, work, etc.?
- Why did God the Son take on flesh and dwell among us?