Today’s passage: Luke 21:1-9
Helpful thoughts:
- The legalistic teaching and perspective of the people had brought about the idea that giving money to the Temple was a means of purchasing blessing. The rich had money to spare, this woman did not. Yet, being taught that her giving was necessary to secure blessing, she gave all she had.
- Compare this with the principle of what Jesus had just said in Luke 20:46-47. The religious leaders were happy to devour this woman’s well-being for their own selfish gain.
- It is easy to be distracted and allured by the beauty of temporal things.
- Man’s attempt to get to heaven or find happiness our own way (An act of rebellion against God) has produced many “beautiful” wonders around the world. If these offerings and noble stones at the Temple were given to purchase blessing, then man’s rebellion against God was the very thing that was producing and increasing the visible beauty.
- Christ is coming again! There will be wars. Disturbing things will happen. Christ will return exactly when God wills. Do not be terrified.
Questions to consider:
- Was Jesus saying that it was precious that this woman gave the rest of her money or was He rebuking the people who put it in her head that she should? How does the “purchase of blessing” teaching compare to the prosperity gospel teaching of sowing “seed money” today?
- What are some things that man would call beautiful that God sees far differently? What shapes our minds to find things beautiful? How can we grow in seeing and valuing true beauty?
- How can we grow in seeing that we are not led astray (Verse 8)? Should we start getting our act together when we see a war starting or when there is a pandemic or should we be ready for Christ’s return every day (Matthew 24:44)?