Today’s passage: Luke 5:12-26
Helpful thoughts:
- When lepers touch normal people, they make them unclean. When Jesus touches a leper, the leper becomes clean.
- Jesus, God the Son, withdrew to desolate places to pray.
- The formerly paralyzed man had two reasons to leap and glorify God. One of them was far more significant than the other.
Questions to consider:
- Even though the leper was physically healed, what was still true of him? Did he obey Jesus afterward? What did he need more than clean skin and social acceptance? (Hint: The next man definitely received it!)
- Why do you think Jesus would want and need to spend time in prayer? What was it that He rightly desired to have with the Father? How can this encourage us to prayer?
- What miraculous gift seemed to pique the interests of people the most? What, however, was truly the most incredible thing that Jesus did in this passage? What reason to all believers have to love God with all our hearts?