Today’s passage: Luke 6:46-49
Helpful thoughts:
- Follower of Jesus follow Jesus. You cannot call Jesus, “Lord” while continually refusing to obey Him.
- Remember, there were religious teachers in the crowd when Jesus was teaching who were leading people away from God. There are many people today who give words of teaching and counsel…many who call themselves Christian. If what they say does not agree with the Lord’s Word, it is false. Build your house on the Rock!
Questions to consider:
- Is there anything you know Jesus has commanded you to do that you are not presently doing?
- How would anyone come to be able to discern whether teachers, preachers, and counselors are rightly relaying the instruction and commands of God’s Word? What must all Christians endeavor to learn?
- What will true repentance result in? Is it enough to simply feel badly about our wrongs? What will those who built their house upon the foundation of Word of the Lord do?