Today’s passage: Luke 8:1-15
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus’ earthly ministry at this time was contrary to the cultural expectations in three ways according to this passage:
- Instead of the big cities and the hub of Judaism, Jesus traveled through towns and villages in Galilee.
- Jesus traveled with men and women. Women were not excluded. Rabbis would not have allowed women to be among those who accompanied them.
- Jesus did not use His miraculous powers and teaching skills to make Himself financially rich. They had what they needed. They took advantage of no one. When they cast lots for His garment at the cross, they got everything He owned.
- Rabbis often used parables to illustrate and help people remember their teaching. Jesus used them to confuse people. Israel had rejected her Messiah and was now under judgment.
- “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
Questions to consider:
- Who all is involved in the process of evangelism according to this parable and Jesus’ interpretation? What is going on? Who is doing what?
- How do passages like 1 Corinthians 3:6, Isaiah 55:11 and Ezekiel 36:26 help us to think more about God’s role in the process of evangelism and conversion?
- How might Jesus’ example in ministry cause us to rethink some popular methods and ministry philosophies in our day? Who needs to hear? What do they need to hear? How might we define faithfulness in our ministry?