Today’s passage: Luke 9:18-27
Helpful thoughts:
- For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. – Matthew 16:17 (See Matthew 16:13-20)
- Jesus came to suffer, to be rejected, to be killed and to rise from the dead. And He’s coming again.
- Jesus’ promise in verse 27 would come to fruition about eight days later (And in the next several verses).
Questions to consider:
- How do verses 18-20 compare and contrast with verses 7-9? Why might Luke have placed these sets of questions and answers within the same passage?
- Who is Jesus? What results from knowing and believing in the correct answer?
- What does it look like in the 21st century in our culture to take up our cross and follow Jesus? What does it look like to be ashamed of Him and the Gospel? How are you growing in this? How can you continue to grow?