Today’s passage: Luke 9:46-50
Helpful thoughts:
- After not one of the disciples understood what Jesus was saying, they argued about who was the best…
- Praise God for those who work in our Children’s ministries! None of us are too important, too cool, too big to serve “the least of these.”
- Verse 49 depicts a moment when the disciples were perhaps the most like the Pharisees. They had just failed to cast out a demon (Verse 40), and now they were trying to prevent someone else from doing it because it wasn’t within their realm of influence.
Questions to consider:
- What seems to be the theme of these two instances? What was the consistent problem in the hearts of the disciples?
- What is your goal for ministry and service in the church? Who are you serving/working for? What do you hope will be the result? What kinds of things tempt you want to quit and give up? When those times of temptation come, how should we correct our thinking?
- The gospel message is immensely profound and yet simple enough to explain to a child. How would you share the gospel with a child?