Today’s passage: Mark 15:16-47
Helpful thoughts:
- Humanity mocked the sovereign authority of King Jesus.
- There are different times given in Mark’s gospel and John’s for the time of the crucifixion (The third hour or the sixth hour – 9 AM or Noon). Generally, people guessed the timed by increments of 3 hours by the position of the sun. The fact that one gospel rounded down and another possible rounded up should not cause any concern.
- Regardless of exactly when Christ was nailed to the cross, there was darkness over the region for three hours in the middle of the day. The judgment of God was being poured out against our sin, but on the Suffering Servant.
- Many evidences are given in this passage concerning the truth of Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. All these evidences are to result in the same acknowledgement as that of the Roman Centurion, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Questions to consider:
- How many parts of this narrative point to the truth of who Jesus is and what He came to do? How and why are all of these signs significant?
- What evidences does the Gospel of Mark share concerning the physical death of Jesus? Why must the reader know that Jesus did truly die? What’s coming next?
- Have you bowed the knee to the King of Kings who died on the cross for our sin? For more information on what it means to become a follower of Jesus, check out this website.