Today’s passage: Matthew 13:24-30
Helpful thoughts:
- Be careful not to combine the previous parable with this one. In the previous parable, the soil that received the seed was being compared and contrasted. In this parable, the different types of seeds/plants are being compared and contrasted.
- The kind of weed mentioned here in the Greek looks much like wheat early on in their growth. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between these plants without looking closely.
- If you pulled out the weeds at this time, you may mistake some of the wheat and pull it up, or mistakenly pull up the ground around them. The day of the harvest (The judgement) will come and everything will be rightly identified.
- Jesus explains this parable later in the chapter.
Questions to consider:
- As you await the Savior’s explanation (Or did you look ahead?), What do you think this parable is teaching?
- Who was responsible for the weeds being present in the same field as the wheat? Did the plants plant themselves?
- Who is ultimately responsible for separating of the wheat from the weeds?