Today’s passage: Matthew 15:10-20
Helpful thoughts:
- The disciples showed greater concern for offending the Pharisees.
- The things that come out of your mouth come from within your heart (The inner man)
- We do what we do (or say what we say) because we want what we want.
- Your actions are the result of your desires…your desires are the result of your thinking.
- Jesus gives several examples to show He isn’t just talking about speech, but all of our actions.
Questions to consider:
- What is happening in our hearts when we are more concerned about how people feel about what we say than we are concerned for their actual well-being?
- Given the exposed hypocrisy from yesterday’s devotion; Is it possible to do the right things for the wrong reasons? Could we do things that seem religious or even just kind, in order to satiate our own selfish desires?
- How does this truth help us to see the depth of our depravity? How does this truth help us to see how great the forgiveness of God is? Knowing how desperate we are gives us a greater love and appreciation for Jesus Christ!